Booklet - First edition of our new clinical booklet "A few drops of insight can lead to an ocean of understanding"

Sep 21, 2021

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is crucial. The desire to tackle neurodegenerative diseases by always finding earlier diagnostic solutions and exploring new diagnostic pathways runs deep throughout Fujirebio. 

At the occasion of World Alzheimer's Day 2021 today we are very pleased to share the first edition of our new booklet "A few drops of insight can lead to an ocean of understanding"

Alzheimer - Clinician booklet - EN - FNCE logo - cover

With this September 2021 edition of the booklet we present and discuss current key topics related to early Alzheimer's disease diagnostics. The current edition contains the following chapters:

  • Why is early detection important
  • Altered proteins in brain neurodegenerative diseases
  • Clinical features and neurodegenerative biomarker changes in CSF
  • Handling and transportation of CSF samples
  • CSF biochemical pattern interpreration
  • Aβ deposition and clearance: a key feature of the ageing brain
  • New criteria for Alzheimer's disease
  • Future vision on blood markers

You can download an electronic copy of the English version here.

We also have translations available in Spanish, French, German and Portuguese.