Booklet: The Art of Accuracy - Improved triage with FAM19A4/miR124-2 methylation analysis

Feb 28, 2023

In vitro diagnostics (IVD) requires accuracy, reliability, and precision. At Fujirebio, we aim at raising human papillomavirus (HPV) testing to an art form that can impact the lives of millions around the world. We now also offer methylation testing technology.

How does FAM19A4/miR124-2 methylation analysis improve hrHPV positive patient triage and how does it allow a wait-and-see policy?

We have prepared an 8-page booklet to guide you through some of the key questions, that you might have asked yourself around the methylation-based testing technology.

Methylation analysis for HPV testing booklet

Chapters in the booklet include:

  • The need for improved triage accuracy in cervical cancer screening
  • DNA methylation, what does it mean?
  • Clinical assurance thanks to objective and reliable results
  • Optimized cervical cancer screening and patient monitoring: Improved triage accuracy
  • Pregnant women with CIN3: A challenge for gynecologists
  • Women living with HIV: Increased risk for cervical cancer

Download a copy of the booklet now