CanAg® Free PSA EIA

PSA is a 32 kDa single chain glycoprotein serine protease with a chymotrypsin like specificity produced by the secretory epithelium of the prostate gland1. PSA is normally secreted into the seminal fluid and plays a functional role in the cleavage of the seminal vesicle proteins and the liquefaction of the seminal coagulum2. Only low levels of PSA are normally present in the blood stream, and increasing serum concentrations indicate prostatic pathology, including benign prostatic hyperplasia and cancer of the prostate. Determination of PSA is now widely used for detection and management of patients with prostatic cancer and considered as the superior serological marker for cancer of the prostate3.

PSA has been shown to form stable complexes with different antiproteases and the dominating portion of PSA in patient serum occurs in complex with a1-antichymotrypsin (PSA-ACT)4. However there are large variations in the relation between Free PSA and PSA-ACT complex between different individuals. A number of studies have found that the proportion of Free PSA is higher in benign prostatic disease as compared to prostatic cancer4,5. The CanAg Free PSA EIA is an assay for specific determination of Free PSA without cross reactivity with PSA-ACT complex6.


  1. Wang MC, Valenzuela LA, Murphy GP, Chu TM (1979). Purification of a human prostate specific antigen. Invest Urol 17: 159–163.      
  2. Lilja H. (1985). A kallikrein-like serine protease in prostatic fluid cleavesthe predominant seminal vesicle protein. J Clin Invest 76: 1899–1903.
  3. Haese A., Becker C., Diamandis E., and Lilja H., (2002) Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate In: „Tumor Markers. Phusiology, Pathobiology, Technology, and Clinical applications“. Eds. Diamandis et al.,  AACC Press, Washington, pp. 193-238.
  4. Lilja H., Christensson A., Dahlén U., Matikainen M-T., Nilsson O., Pettersson K., Lövgren T. (1991). Prostate-specific antigen in serum occurs predominantly in complex with 1-antichymotrypsin. Clin Chem 37: 1618–1625.
  5. Christensson A., Björk T., Nilsson O., Dahlén U., Matikainen M-T., Cockett ATK, Abrahamsson PA, Lilja H. (1993). Serum prostate specific antigen complexed to 1-antichymotrypsin as an indicator of prostate cancer. J Urology 150: 100–105. 
  6. Nilsson O., Peter A. Andersson I., Nilsson K., Grundström B., and Karlsson B. Antigenic determinants of prostatespecific antigen (PSA) and development of assays specific for different forms of PSA. Br J Cancer 75(6):789–797, 1997.
    different forms of PSA. Br J Cancer 75(6): 789-79.
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CE marked
CanAg Free PSA EIA

Product number 350-10

For 96 determinations
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