Leadership and continuing research

Under the Innogenetics brand, Fujirebio first developed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers over 25 years ago. These have evolved over time from purely research biomarkers to specialized diagnostic testing products. Where once they were solely used by early adopters, they are now an essential part of routine Alzheimer’s disease testing in many parts of the world.

We are now the only company with a comprehensive line of Alzheimer’s products capable of running on automated systems. Because we recognize the scope of what is still to accomplish, we continue to invest in the development of new markers, and in particular, the research of simple-to-administer blood tests for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Eliminating the collection of cerebrospinal fluid is a breakthrough the world eagerly awaits.

View our resources dedicated to Alzheimer's disease testing 

Global Fujirebio Neuro Center of Excellence

Our global Fujirebio Neuro Center of Excellence is a hub for our worldwide team of researchers into neurodegenerative diseases. It functions as a research and development lab focused on developing diagnostic solutions, but it is more than that… it is also a meeting point, a forum for experts from all around the globe to share knowledge. This is a center for partnership and collaboration, a place for research, development and manufacture, a meeting place for brilliant minds and a starting point for great ideas to find the next generation of diagnostics.

Read more about the Fujirebio Neuro Center of Excellence

Partnering for progress

While one of the goals of our global Fujirebio Neuro Center of Excellence is to develop new testing solutions for our own analytical platforms, such as Lumipulse®, we also apply our know-how to our partners’ systems as well. We provide a variety of possible collaborations, including supply of fundamental base materials for research and development. Our goal is to make our tools for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s available globally, by working with our partners to bring raw materials and products to the diagnostic market.

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